luni, 8 februarie 2010


Azi am primit un link catre un filmulet despre empatie.
Pentru mine este un filmulet atat frumos cat si socant, mai ales sfarsitul.
Voi ce parere aveti?

Today I received one link to a short movie about empathy.
For me, it's a beautiful movie with a shocking end.
What do you think?

Définition du mot empathie
Încărcat de LEF2009. - Discover more animal videos.


Mai jos am postat un link catre un ghid despre minunatul meu oras

De asemenea, daca dati click pe titlu veti ajunge la aceeasi adresa.
Sper sa va foloseasca!

This is a link to a cityguide of my lovely town

Also if you click on title, you will get on the same page.
I hope it will be useful for you!

duminică, 7 februarie 2010

Long time no see

Salut tuturor,

Dupa cum spune si titlul, nu ne-am mai vazut de mult.
Nici eu nu mi-am dat seama de asta, pana ce intamplator am dat de blogul meu.

Nu mi-a venit sa cred ca nu am mai scris nimic din 2008.
Unde s-a dus 2009? A zburat?
Hmm... cam da. A trecut foarte repede, cu destul de multe evenimente si totusi cam putine.

Principalul eveniment al lui 2009 a fost experienta traita in Bulgaria, despre care voi scrie mai mult intr-o sectiune separata.

Cam atat momentan. Sunt multe de zis, dar toate la timpul lor.

Tuati celi buni, cum zice un prieten.

Hey everyone,

As it's written in the title, long time no see.
I didn't even realised it, untill I ended up on my own blog accidentally.

I realised that I haven't written anything since 2008, and it made me wonder. Where did 2009 go?
Well it passed quite fast, with a lot of events and still just some.

The most important thing in 2009, for me, it was the experience I lived in Bulgaria. But I will write about that in another post, soon.

That's it for the moment. There are a lot of things to say, but all of them have their place in time.

All the best!